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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

10 Ways to Eliminate Your Acne

Wanting to know how to get rid of acne is very understandable. It is a very common problem, and most people will experience acne outbreaks at some point in their lives. Therefore, knowing how to get rid of acne is a good practical life skill, even if your acne outbreaks are occasional. If your acne is moderate to severe, knowing how to get rid of acne becomes crucial, as acne is an embarrassing problem and can cause a considerable amount of distress. This article contains an overview of ten different suggestions on how to get rid of acne.

The first suggestion, which applies to anyone with acne, regardless of its frequency or severity, is to make sure you are washing your face only twice a day. Acne is not caused by dirt. Therefore, washing your face more than twice a day will not help your acne. In fact, it can make your acne worse, as frequent washing can dry out your skin, which can irritate pimples.

The second suggestion also has to do with the way in which you wash your face. When you wash your face, do not use a rough washcloth or loofah, or any type of cleanser containing abrasive substances such as walnut hulls. As with frequent washing, using such materials and ingredients irritates the skin, and aggravates existing acne. Knowing how to get rid of acne means knowing how to treat your skin gently.

Treating your skin gently does not just apply to washing properly. It also applies to what you put on your face. Therefore, the third suggestion is to keep your hands away from your face. Do not pick, squeeze, or pop your pimples, as this can spread bacteria and cause an infection. Also, refrain from resting your chin or the side of your face on your hands. The fourth suggestion is to make sure to apply only water-based, non- comedogenic, and non-acnegenic moisturizers and makeup to your face, as oil-based substances will clog your pores and trigger acne.

Because knowing how to get rid of acne applies to the other areas of your body where acne can occur, such as your chest and back, the fifth suggestion is to take care when selecting clothes and other items to wear, such as hats. Try to avoid wearing form-fitting clothes, especially synthetic fabrics, because skin that cannot breathe is more susceptible to acne outbreaks.

The sixth suggestion has to do with your diet. If you are prone to acne outbreaks, you may want to watch what you eat. While foods such as nuts, chocolate, or french fries and other greasy foods have not been shown to cause or aggravate acne, some doctors feel that people who are acne-prone should avoid seafood containing high levels of iodine and dairy foods such as milk, cream cheese, and cottage cheese.

Knowing how to get rid of acne also involves knowing what types of over-the-counter medications will work for you. The seventh and eighth suggestions are to try a medication containing benzoyl peroxide or a medication containing salicylic acid or sulfur. All three of these ingredients are highly effective at treating acne. If you choose to use them, make sure you follow the directions on the package carefully.

If you need to know how to get rid of acne if it is moderate to severe, the ninth suggestion is to make an appointment with a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a skin doctor who treats skin diseases and disorders, and they almost always treat patients with acne. Your dermatologist will determine the best acne treatment for you.

The tenth and final suggestion for those who want to know how to get rid of acne is to learn as much as you can about what causes it and the various ways it can be prevented and treated. Being informed and educated about the health issues that affect you is one of the best ways to be an educated consumer as well as advocate for your well-being.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to serve as medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your doctor.

To learn more, visit www.howtogetridofacnenow.com, if you are looking for information on how to get rid of acne.

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